FAEP Renewal




 FAEP Sponsorship


Membership Rate Information

State and Chapter membership is required; however National membership is not required, and you are allowed to join more than one chapter.

NAEP ($175), FAEP, and local chapter membership and renewal are available through FAEP.  

Click on the links above to join or renew.

Local chapter rates are as follows:

Central Chapter $25


Watercolors by Erin Kane


Hanging by a Thread by Bryce Moseley

Northeast Chapter $25
Northwest Chapter (Pensacola) $25
South Chapter $25
South Chapter Student $10
Southwest Chapter $25
Southwest Chapter Student $10
Tallahassee Chapter $25
Tallahassee Chapter Student $0
Tampa Bay Chapter $40
Tampa Bay Chapter Student  $10
Treasure Coast Chapter $25


State membership information:

FAEP Dues General* $50
FAEP Dues Associate* $50
FAEP Group Membership* $45/member
FAEP Dues Student $15
FAEP Government Membership (for government employees) $30

*GENERAL MEMBERSHIP - General Membership shall be open to all persons with three (3) years professional experience in an environmental discipline (e.g. project or task manager, etc., who exercises independent judgment in an interdisciplinary environmental field).  A General Member shall be considered a voting member of the Association, eligible to hold office and/or be elected to the BOARD; however all BOARD members must also be a member in good standing of NAEP.

*ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP - Associate membership is open to those who do not meet the General membership requirements and to other individuals who are interested in environmental issues, ideas or technology.  A Florida Associate shall be considered a voting member of the FAEP, not eligible to hold an office, but eligible to be elected to the BOARD.  This category is especially applicable to recently graduated students.  Those that do not have the requisite education background can remain an Associate member.  Upon completion of the required professional experience, an Associate member will be granted General member status.

*GROUP MEMBERSHIP - Group pricing applies to employees who work for an organization that has 5 or more FAEP members.  Group memberships are available to corporations, government agencies, and/or other entities involved in and related to the environmental profession who have 5 or more FAEP members.   Pricing structure is $45 for each employee under the Group Membership policy.